The New Legislation

In order for Companies to comply with the new regulation, they have to disclose how much of their slice of turnover of the total of all lv for intermediaries activities conducted by the Company during the previous year can be identified as green activity. There is no level of 'green' for United Kingdom companies. Companies that want to have a green operation, now have to disclose to the stakeholders whether or not the activity is conducted 'green' or not.

Many small to medium sized businesses are not aware of the REBall Canada rule. Also many of the businesses they are aware of have not taken advantage of this new due diligence tool. That's why companies are reported to be operating in accordance with the old tax rates. Those businesses are reported to be operating in compliance with the old law, where the same old rates of lv for intermediaries corporation tax apply. However, for those businesses that really want to act 'green' and report to the market that they have achieved that and also answer that they have achieved that.

Then they can meet the requirements of the new rules with a public report. Many companies segment their activity into two major categories: economic activities or non-economic activities. Identifying lv for intermediaries activity type is a burden to itself and to other stakeholders by itself unless the activity is deemed as economic activity. Businesses may be reporting their activities in the form of two categories that could cause ambiguity to the market.

Companies have two options to comply with the new rule: they can move beyond the old way of measuring their sustainability, which will be enforced by the new regulation. The other option is to remain within the old measures. Both options may result in competitive growth and over time that will be reflected in a company's stock price. High quality firms have the advantage of being able to convert their activity into a form of marketable natural resource. In order to enable the small to medium sized lv for intermediaries company to achieve a better position in the market, they need to revise the way they report their activities.

Revenue recognition should be another step. Revenue recognition and the way in which company's are reported in the balance sheet should also be changed. It is in the best interest of the shareholders to have current and accurate information. Non-financial activities are different in nature. The new regulation provides guidance for how to report these lv for intermediaries activities.

So in order to comply with the new regulation, companies have no choice but to scale back their footprint. The span of this new regulation is cumbersome for companies. Noticing the differences, many of those lv for intermediaries companies that haven't reported their activities as economic activities. All recommendations generally cut down the new regulations on financial statements.

Other specific recommended changes include changing current and future insurance, payroll and other perks revenues to distinctly apparent. Financial team reporting is calculated based on separate income (income after income taxes) statements. The effect of the new regulation on the indoctrination of company's glass licences. SME firms and partners need to know about the new regulation. The lv for intermediaries structure and process of how a company reports its businesses has closed-off such an opportunity. The requirements for reporting as a business separate entity. The capability to be able to report as a charitable trust.

Companies should take this action before they are restricted by the new regulation. One of the problems companies run into is in filing errors. Within the first year of the regulatory obligations, no one has mentioned the effects of the new regulation, particularly on taxes, licences, and right to privacy. Similarly no one has addressed the potential for not reporting on their core activity.

Companies should cover these changes in their annual accounts and present a full annual report to auditors.

Finally, companies need to be aware that the lv for intermediaries burden of complying with these new regulations falls on all entities. It is indeed of the essence for companies to be thinking about their way in reaching and sustaining a sustainable competitive advantage. However these changes demand new behaviours on the part of the company. Companies must make changes to their operations, start to report on their green initiatives and develop new business models.

The greatest chance for success is to continue to automate and standardise. The regulations mirror the good news about the changing world of Canada. No need to personally meet with the regulator, but centre of a meeting, go to workshops, and then report. So in the end it is not a new reality but will be its own reality. For those lv for intermediaries companies who will take all the time, effort and costs for all the results - be prepared to reap whatever rewards.
